Leaders in handmade Bistro Chairs since 1920 with an incomparable essence of Parisian romance, authentic handcrafted Maison Gatti products are used in the best restaurants in the world.

Annick de Lorme has been an importer of fine handcrafted Furniture since 1983 and is the exclusive distributor of Maison Gatti chairs in North America.
Maison Gatti’s reputation and distinctive image are renowned worldwide. Maison Gatti is the only Manufacturer whose specialty remains exclusively French Bistro Chairs.

Each piece of Maison Gatti is handcrafted by Artisans, whose skills are passed from generation to generation through Maison Gatti. As French Bistro Chairs become more popular, there have been attempts by others to copy our original Handmade Collection! But, there is no serious competition for almost 100 years of experience and for genuine Maison Gatti quality and tradition!